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  • Drey
    Post count: 4

    Thank you so much!! Great information
    Very encouraging!
    We live near Philadelphia, so she will be at CHOP with Dr Bauer. I have heard the team he has is the best in the country.
    She is looking forward to being able to focus academically and physically. Also…the anxiousness will hopefully also be a thing in the past. ( for the most part)
    Thank you all again!

    Post count: 4

    Kim- Thank you for the videos. So very helpful. My daughter actually has seen Dr Bauer a few times. He is such a great doctor.

    Liz—makes sense. I was always under the impression that once you had your thyroid out…you were hypo. But…as you stated….with the meds , you would be neither hypo or hyper. Something to strive towards.

    Thank you both for your replys!

    We have really gave this our best shot. Monitored her methimozle, ( switching back and forth with dosage) Homeopathic…. 3 different paths and tons of supplements. Diet change. etc… She is exhausted and nothing is improving. ( other than the major symptom of the racing heart) Not really seeing any reason at this point to keep the thyroid.

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