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boy do I know about RA if you are positive for rheumatoid factor( bld test) you will be dx. with RA I have been Dx. with RA for 14 years on serious meds for it also can be very painfully meds are all liver toxic so you take lever enzyines every 3 monthes….go to a specialist asap if dx. by you GP now if rheuitoid facter is not positive that does not mean you don’t have RA they also go with your symptoms this is a little bit harder to dx. but they will usally dx. you if you have the right pain . in RA you usally have pain in bilaterial ( both sides) of bigger joints however I started with a swollen painfully thumb don’t wait to get treated!!!!! IT causes joint damage that can not be repaired!!!! they have great meds now for treatment I currentily on arava and have no problems also humaira ( not sure of spelling) this is injectable that I self give every 2 weeks…..have done research about potiential relationship between graves ( dx with this also going thru treatment now) andf other autoimmune diseases the research info is not great however they think??? there is a increased potiential for one disease to coexist with the other .. which makes a lot of sence to me!!! let me tell ya RA is easier to deal with than this horrid graves it has put me down for 3 monthes so fatiqued can hardily move sore throat tremers leg and arm weakness no sleep ugh!!! sorry had to gripe ha ha I think I am feeling better last few days scared to say this outloud if you want to ask me any other questions you can use private posts to me will send ya a message so you know where to go… good luck cb
Lauri didn’t see what meds you are taking but I had to get off meth….. because of leg cramps endo said this was a frequent feect on this med. good luck cb
in reply to: Graves’ Disease – Dr. Oz show today and tomorrow #1064645I tryed and watch your show but it was not on the subject quess I was on the wrong channel glad it was listed on the post so I can see the clips thanks cb
in reply to: Tired of being tired #1064834thanks to all for the posts will talk to my surgion on aug 3rd about my issues have a great day cb
I cannot expres how much you all help me I don’t really have anyone who understand what is going on with me!!!! even though I hae 2 RN daughters they don’t really seem to grasp what my life has become if I didn’t have my 4 grandsons who I see almost ever day especially my littlest 2 1/2 year old who hugs me and kisses me especially when we watch barny for hours ha ha anyway I feel very alone and really need this I look forward to getting on the web site ever morning and reading new posts I seem also to be a whinner ugh!!!! anyway can’t say enough about you all !!!! my dr. apt with surgion is on aug 3rd and I feel like it is my birthday ha ha anyway will pressure him to do surgery quickily I know now that will not be a quick fix but am really looking forward to getting off the meds. think they are making me feel poorily also am thinking about your suggestions about easy exercize and soon as the kids go to school ( next friday) will try water exercize at the YMCA can take easy and water feels so good also wil request refferal to physical therpy asking for someone knowledgeable about recovery from graves… does that sound????also have 2 bikes one 3 wheel and one 2 wheel will try slow short trips on those…..hopefully this will help the one thing I really am looking forward to is the winter last year I was so cold it was hell and I didn’t know why????? it turns out my graves undiagnosed was causing cold interance weird huh???? thinking of all and hoping we get feeling better soon cb
good morning I am still hyper but can really understand your anxiety related to muscle weakness I am older but a few years ago had both knees replaced and after that loved to walk miles also ran a 30 acre farm while working as a full time RN so now I can hardily walk I am a A type personality and am not handling this well am angry and cry sometimes in responce to my extreme fatique and muscle weakness…. this is a horrid disease and as a nurse really never realized how sever it can be and slow to improve I am having surgery soon hopefully but this post worries me was hoping to feel much better after!!! Don’t know how I can handle this much longer hope all is better soon cb
in reply to: Tired of being tired #1064831thanks all for input very important to all of us!!!! I try and move about but am sooo fatiqued actually have my grand kids this week and am takinging them to a few activities but get so tired just sitting they say when I tell them that I have to go home very tired " but mo mo all you have done is sit ???" they have actually been great with me take out the trash ect very helpful my house is nasty ugh and it is driving me nuts just washing my clothes kills me I just need to know if this is normal also my abdomen is distented recentily sure am gaining weight but it is hard this is recent from start of PTU should I be concerned ????? the problem with graves is that the symptoms mimic other things ????? thaks cb
in reply to: Tired of being tired #1064828need info from you all have been on meds for about 7 weeks recentily taken off meth. and put on PTU related to muscle cramps and leg weakness as well as extreme fatique muscle cramps better but fatique stayed stay in bed 22 hours a day too weak to walk or stand for a few minuites….. is this a normal fatique I realize that I have been hyper for years but this is really killing me am active and hate the bed still not sleeping more than a 4 to 6 hour restless sleep ….by the way on zertyk ( spelling???) for the itch forom the PTU it is better with this med so staying on it…. please tell me wheater this is a normal fatique or should I be concerned?????? thanks really need input by the way on propanaol but not need much anymore pulse and chest good….thanks cb
in reply to: methimazole makes me feel worse #1064669sorry about your problems was on meth. for about 7 weeks it caused muscle pain and cramps also had stomach problem they were strickily related to the graves and finally stoped after about 2 to 3 weeks on meth. so it was not related to that med???? was put on PTU having itching on feet and hands am waiting for my surgion’s apt on aug 3rd can’t seem to do well on the meds has anyone used steriods to manage graves…have read some info on that…..thanks and hope ya feel better oh by the wy call the endo and ask him about med change (increase) don’t be shy it is his job!!!!! cb
in reply to: Side effects of coming off Methimazole #1064687I have been om methiamazole for about 5 weeks recentily taken off to go on PTU reason being muscle cramps and pain in legs also extreme muscle weakness am feeling much better off and have slept for the last 2 nights 8 hours ( not great sleep but better ) still have very active dreaming which is unusal for me???? anyway on PTU now some itching but better than it was am waiting for my apt with surgeon on the 3rd…. cb
in reply to: First Appt with Endo! #1064738have read most posts but most are general thanks for your input what I was looking for …already have apt with surgeon for aug 3rd real excited thaks agin all for the help cb
thanks cb
in reply to: First Appt with Endo! #1064734welcome to the site newbe ha ha I have found it very helpful….have a few questons as usall did you dr. tell ya how quickily you can go from hypo to hyper???? did he tell you how the autoimmune process can attach other parts of the body besides the throid??? I have been on meth for about 4 weeks my labs are improving however because of my extrem leg weaknes and pain my endo took me off and put me on Propylthiouracil also I got the referal to a surgion for throid ectomy which I want ASAP wonder if I can get some feedback on pain level after surgery and any issues to deal with post surgery???? good luck cb
my question is how fast can you go from hypo to hyper????? thanks cb
I have a question ???? my daughter has been dx. with hashamoto’s ( 2 years ago)she has been having chest pain whitch she thinks is anxiety which it might be she is a RN and in a difficult job family life is good and of course she has me ha ha anyway I am afraid she also has problems with hyperthroid she has many of the signs this is my question how quickily can you go from hyper to hypo or euthroid?????? I made her apt with my endo on aug 3rd going with her but she is so stuborn don’t know where she gets that?????? ha ha anyway need more personal info on relationsip between graves and hashamoto’s anyone help!!!!!! I have been a rn for many years never knew how horrid graves can be and I don’t think many others do also….. we need more info in the medical field and nursing schools!!!!!!!!!I think my professor took 2 hours on throid if that??????am thinking when I get better of going to the nursing school where I graduated to talk to some of my professors maybe I can give a short informal speech???? what do you all think ( from the south) ha ha thanks cb