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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Kristy,

    There is a post below that recites the information I know — since 1939 they have found *no* ill effects following RAI, except of course that your thyroid dies, which is the idea anyway. Once you have gone hypothyroid, you have rid your body of the most toxic effect of Graves’ disease, so a cure, if one existed, would only help you to evade the Eye Disease and the pretibial myxedema. Most people don’t get those anyway. Synthroid, I have read, is formulated so closely to the body’s T4 that there have been *no* side effects recorded for its use. The only danger with Synthroid is if your dose is too high, then you have the same dangers as hyperthyroidism. At this point, if you want to get off Synthroid, you want a cure for hypothyroidism, which is where you are now.

    I hope you find this information comforting!

    Wishing you good health-

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