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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Input on eyes. I’ve had the swelling, watery, baggy eyes now for a year. My good days are just beginning to out number my bad ones. I’m a manufacturing consultant and spend a lot of time on the road, meeting new customers, etc. I have decided to just ignore how my eyes look (glad I wear glasses and they obscure the worst.)

      I used to really anguish how I looked, tried to explain the reasons for my eye problems and about Graves and TED, and my real friends are truly interested and caring, but the rest don’t seem to care as much as I did.

      This week I was travelling and meeting new people every day; I never said anything and neither did they. Did they really notice?? I’ve decided who cares!!! I think just me! And now no more explanations unless I’m asked!! JeanVa

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