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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    There were some great replies to this already, but I’ll add a few ideas.

    When my first endocrinologist told me my hypo symptoms weren’t caused by thyroid levels and slipped out of the room without doing anything about my misery, I realized this man was not capable of hearing me and started my search for a new endo.

    I called the offices of every endo in the phone book (and there aren’t that many in this area), and asked to talk to the nurse (not the receptionist). I explained that my current doctor didn’t adequately answer my questions or listen to me, and that I was looking for a doctor who would give me credit for knowing when something was wrong with my body and adjust my levels according to how I was feeling. When I found a nurse who understood what I was talking about and assured me this doctor was what I wanted, I made an appointment, even though I had to wait for two months.

    It was worth it! I now use this endo to treat other problems too. He refers me to other specialists as necessary. It’s great to have a doctor who knows what’s going on with me.

    He is also busy, so I’ve found I’m more likely to get all my questions answered when I write them down and tell him I’ve got a list, and I try to get right to the point with each of them. If I don’t take a list, it seems I get home and remember everything I forgot to ask.

    One of the best things for me that’s come from reading this BB is help in deciding which questions to ask my endocrinologist and ophthalmologist, and I hope others are being helped in this way as well. I think the fact that we Graves’ patients can all talk to each other may have a profound effect on the way this disease is treated in the future–especially if we all assert our desire to have our symptoms taken seriously.

    Dianne W
    Asst. Online Facilitator, NGDF

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