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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      new to the bb
      After two years finally was diagnosed with gd. Had seen an allergy dr was on shots knew that wasn’t helping. went to a head nose and throat dr he had my throid checked. I had had a couple of major surgeries during the time that i was trying to find out what was causing my eyes to hurt be so red and swell (one being a hystorectomy) not one of the doctors had checked this. i had thought all the symptoms that followed were from that surgery. the hands shaking being hot not sleeping being the energized bunny
      now two years after rai i can’t find anything out about radiation
      the eye doctor i go to has said that it is still experimental and told me during the hot stage that nothing could be done except for the predisone i have vertical double vision that has stabalized to the point that i know how to hold my head and look straight on to minimize this alot of puffyness and some loss of eye movement. need to know if raidation could help.
      also have had a time trying to stabilize the synthroid

        Post count: 93172

        Martha, go back to july 1st and read the posts from there on. I had radiation on july 1st and by the 10th treatment was showing signs of improvment. There was alot said about it on the BB.You sound like a perfect candidate for the treatments. As I said over and over, it’s not the treatment that’s a problem, it’s finding the right doctor and hospital. You may have to travel to get the proper treatment. I have my doctors 800 number who can help find the right place near you. Please read the posts on radiation to the eyes thru July, then E-mail me for more info if you wish. I’ve been trying to let people know that the sooner the better before scar tissue forms.It’s during the hot stage that this is particularly effective.The purpose of the treatment is to by pass the waiting stage and stablize right away.While the muscles start to heal and go back to normal you may see some improvment. The puffiness will get beter,and the double vision will probably improve,tho it may not go away. You will be stable so that correction will not take months or years to do.Please,please,please read those posts. it will answer your question. Take care…Gwen

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