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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Here i go again…….after eight weeks on .112 with a tsh of 1.75 and down from a tsh of ,770 and .125 for a year….doesnt sound too bad does it??????

    well the hypo i swear is hiding and not showing in my blood yet…..if i had to go in front of God right now i would tell him i feel hypo …….

    is it the coming down thing or is it the fact that my levels are behind how i feel……hey,, we are talking seven years here of up and down…..there has to be an answer,,,,,,,,,even my poor husband says on occasion..maybe it is something else….but it is not………..what to do????
    i have helped many other people because it seems so obvious but when it comes to myself i feel like an nin com poop……

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Em,

    You didn’t answer my question: have you tried taking a low dose
    (e.g. 25 mcg daily) of cytomel?

    It has been the only thing that has helped me, although I am not
    completely where I want to be yet.

    Feeling Better (FB)

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