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  • Bobbi
      Post count: 1324

      It seems like you have been through the wringer. The RAI usually works on the first try to rid us of the scourge of hyperthyroidism.

      I understand what it is like not to be able to participate in an activity that is a passion. But it strikes me that you might look forward to being able to run again, if only you and your doctors can get your hyperthyroidism under control. I cannot give you advice about the "best" way to do that — only your doctor can do that. I can tell you that there are only three options that have been proven to work: the antithyroid meds, RAI or surgery. Anything else is unproven, and a time waster. And, as a result, dangerous.

      I can only advise you to "hang in there." Discuss your treatment options with your doctors, and then do it. The fellow who started this board long ago (Jake) used to give frequent pep talks about us thinking of ourselves as Graves’ warriors. The warrior image did help me when I was going through snafus and snags on the road to recovery. I imagined myself wearing a Valkyrie helmet. Perhaps such an image (if it doesn’t make you laugh) could help you, too. Although, come to think of it, laughter also helps from time to time.

      Wishing you much better health, and soon.
      Bobbi — Online Facilitator

        Post count: 1569

        Just a quick comment ~ if your TSH is "too high" as you say (higher than normal) that usually means that your thyroid hormone levels (T4) are too LOW, which would mean that you are now hyPOthyroid and need more thyroid hormone replacement. TSH and T4 have an inverse relationship, because thyroid stimulating hormone actually comes from the pituitary gland in response to thyroid hormone levels it "senses." It is a very accurate read on your status, typically, as it comes from something of a "running average" it has sensed in your blood over a period of some weeks.

        Please take a look at your latest blood tests to clarify which "camp" you fall in. It’s typical to go hypo after RAI, until replacement thyroid hormone builds up enough to make your levels normal. You would still feel badly, and you would still be "under treatment" by doctors, but it wouldn’t mean that you are still hyper. Please talk with your doctor and clarify where you stand before you panic.

        Either way, you need to get to normal levels. It’s time consuming either way, but it’s SO worth it.

          Post count: 2

          I am s happy to have found this site. I have been dealing with Graves disease for the past 4 years. I was diagnosed when I was pregnant with my third child. I took PTU for a month. My levels wen back to normal. My levels were normal for about 2 years and then–BAM-off the charts. I starting taking medicine in hopes to level out everything but they didn’t work. My levels were so bad that I had to be rushed in to have RAI treatment. That was 1 year ago and now my levels are still not right. My TSH is too high. My doctors are talking about doing the RAI treatment again. However, since this whole issues has been going on–I have not be able to workout or run( my passion). I have gained 60 pounds and I barely recognize myself in the mirror. In addition, my eyes have been effected too. I am reaching the point of pure depression–to the point that I want to give up and opt not to doing anything. I know this is not an option because I have a loving husband and three wonderful children and I know that without treatment–my heart will eventually stop. Any ideas on what I can do or other treatment routes that anyone would suggest? What can I do to get rid of the weight I have gained? Please help!!!!

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