Hi Maria,
It’s impossible for us to tell you what’s going on exactly — for one thing, the scan only tells how much iodine your thyroid is taking up, but does not tell you where your thyroid hormone levels are. Also, when you say your meds, are you talking about replacement thyroid hormone or ATDs (or something else)? If you have been hyper and your levels have come down, a little weight gain is a *good thing*, believe it or not. During the hyperthyroid phase, our bodies lose muscle mass and bone mass, and when the levels come down, that mass returns, along with a little weight. It would be unhealthy NOT to regain that tissue, though I certainly understand feeling as though weight gain is a bad thing.
See if your doctor can talk you through this a little more in detail — it helps me to write down my questions before I’m sitting in front of him, because I am intimidated by doctors and allow myself to get whisked away with THEIR thought processes if I don’t have a paper in front of me to remind me what MY thoughts were before coming in.
We’re here to help! Let us know what happens.
NGDF Assistant Online Facilitator