Hi. I can only attest to my daughter’s symptoms. She was very hyper and had difficulty falling asleep. Also very anxious about everything, upcoming events, tests, etc. Her eyes protruded somewhat and she was having difficulty in school. Her behavior was horrible. Terrible mood swings and uncontrolable rage. There would be no reasoning with her. But then in a while, she would be fine. She still has all these symptoms even though she has been on medication since May. Her endo says her behavior should be better since her levels are. It is very frustrating. The doctors make me feel like I’ve raised this horrible child. And now we have adolescence approaching!!! This board helps so much. Good luck. Linda
Wow, that really sounds alot like my daughter. I think I will have her tested. Better to know than to think these are behavior problems that she should outgrow. She is aggresive where she strikes out at me or screams under her breath when she does not get her way. She is also very uncompromising which has been hard on my 10 year old son because we often give in to her because she makes it impossible for us if she does not have her way. I have been writing this off as her “difficult” phase I am hoping she outgrows, but maybe this is something beyond her control. She also has the “panick” attacks when something makes her anxious, like storms (we have been through tornado) and she cannot have the news on TV and it makes her panicky or anxious (since the WTC and Pentagon attacks – we did not let her watch the coverage, but she knows what happened). For years I had good excuses for my own GD symptoms, i.e. stress at home/work, too much caffeine, not enough sleep, poor diet, not enough exercise, aging, etc. – I probably had GD for at least 3 years before being diagnosed. Instead of making excuses for her behavior, I really think it is time for me to have her tested. If GD is truly hereditary, I would think she is at high risk. I did tell her pediatrician at the time I was diagnosed and he just marked it in her file and I had never heard of pediatric graves until reading this BB. I am calling her dr. now.
Thanks for listening.
I am curious, are the symptoms for children with Graves the same as the symptoms adults have? I have GD and my mother has GD. My daughter is 8 years old and I am wondering if I should have her tested. I have been concerened about her behavior for some time. She is quite aggressive and very stubborn. I have always attributed that to her being a Leo, ha ha. Or that she is just like her father, ha ha. I know it is not a laughing matter, but I have to have a sense of humor. She also has had to wear deodorant since she was 6 and I guess I would relate that to raging hormones since I don’t think most 6 year old girls would get body odor. I am sure her pediatrician would have her tested if I asked, but I don’t want her to become afraid of Dr.s and needles. She is not underweight, possibly a little overweight. She will be tall so she is going through a “chubby” period right now. She does have an abundance of energy and it is hard for her to settle down at night and go to sleep, but once asleep, she is out for the night.
Any thoughts?
Thanks for the info. I have a 4 year old daughter who also has some of these signs…but for now I think it is likely just 4-year-old behavior. I hope!
It didn’t really occur to me that children could get Grave’s too. Thanks for letting me know what to look for in a child. Her tantrums and moodiness have actually gotten worse in the last year, just when I thought she would be outgrowing that kind of behavior.She has always had a fast metabolism (but then again, so did I!) and is thin, lately more and more trouble falling asleep at night.If she hasn’t “outgrown” some of this by age 5 I will ask that her levels get tested at her checkup then.Thanks again!
Hi, my daughter has graves’, hyperthyroidisum. She is now almost 15 and was diag. at 13. Befor that and Im not sure 100% that it started befor. But I can tell you she also went through “chubby stages”. From what I ve. seen it seems that some people with hypr. Small at the top but a little larger in the bottom area. mostly the butt. no offence.?? ment. Her eyes are beautiful and if you never knew she had graves’ you would think she is a movie star. She is very fair skinned and with dark hair.
I dont know of anyone in our family that has this. Do you know if graves’ disease always follows hyper.?? Good luck. Let me know if this helps. connieI see you were responding to some one else. But I also have a daughter with graves’. she now is almost 15. diag. at 13. Oh My God! I thought she was going crazy/ or me!!!! She was singing, laughing, totaly out of contron. Then just fine like it never happened. Hot all the time, unreasiable, then totaly normal. Her meds. have just recently been changed. More ptu. she does great if she takes it regulary, but even 2 hours late, she is a whole other person. Her endo. also thinks if her leveals are right on she should be fine. I would like to see him live with her for 24/7. She is a very sweet and consideriate child. but with out her meds. or a missed dose. Look out!! Just had to vent some. Let me know how your child is. I hope things look up.connie
I’m a mother of a “little warrior” age 6(going on 16!!)
She was diagnosed at age 4.
I always thought that her behavior was just her personality.
She liked to eat, she had alot of energy, she didn’t sleep much, she liked to dress up in her bikini (all year long!), she was stubborn and moody.
But one day I got her pictures from preschool and her eyes were “not even” … one “open” and the other looked “sleepy”. Then came her Santa picture…again her eyes were different. She had a sore throat and I was working so my mother (who has a goiter) took her to the pediatrician.Before she went she said to me…her neck looks swollen.
I said ask the doctor about it. The doctor agreed and sent us for bloodwork and the rest is history.
It only takes a simple bloodtest. In my opinion EVERY kid should have routine bloodwork (it won’t kill ’em!) My daughter’s heartrate was 150! (that could kill you!)She had undergone surgery for adnenoids and tubes in her ears BEFORE being diagnosed…I am so thankful that nothing happenend to her under anesthesia. (Thank God!)
If your daughter were mine (knowing what I know now) I would say have the simple bloodtest and put your mind at rest.
Maria -
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