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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    New to the board, but I have to brag about this one!!! Graves’ is still going strong, but No More Tachychardia for now!!! Pulse 88, BP 128 over 94, lowest it’s been in 5 years!!!! Feeling okay except for terrible headaches. Thinking of trying the beta blockers again. Looking into the Zone since I am currently refusing both RAI & Surgery. If I can get some “self control” from all these hormones, the endo is all for staying away from the “permanent treatments”. Given an option, I’ll stay hyper for now. All is well in the land of the slot machine & “all night buffet” hahahaha!


    Post count: 93172

    I also went through some frightening fogginess
    while beng treated with anti-thyroid drugs, then
    moreso after surgery to remove my thryroid (this
    past December). The good news is that, while
    it was really difficult and humiliating, I
    managed to graduate at or near the top of my
    class with a bachelors degree in Special
    Education. Believe me, I was near to giving up
    more than once. My thinking appears to be
    clearing up a bit, but I still have my moments.
    There is light at the end of the tunnel!!!!

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