I think you are mainly radioactive at your neck and in body fluids after the RAI. So you won’t contaminate your veggies washing and cutting them by hand. At least I don’t think you will!
I will stay home with my cats after RAI because the vet wasn’t worried about them very much and I haven’t received any guidelines from the hospital either. They are going to get a call from me on Tuesday! I will stay in another room and I won’t let my cats sleep with me for 3 nights.
I am going to eat seaweed after the RAI to increase my iodine. Iodine factors are believed to be a major cause of thyroid diseases.
Good Luck on Tuesday! xoxo
@AZGravesGuy – Steve provided the exact same link that I would have. Just keep in mind that these are *general* guidelines, and any specific directions that you receive from your own nuclear medicine team should get priority. Precautions can vary from state to state and facility to facility.
@bretbunch – Welcome to our forum! Please note that I edited out the name of the doctor that you provided (per forum policy), but you can communicate doctor names via private message. The PM option is on the left-hand side of the screen when you are looking at an individual’s message.Also, I would personally recommend using caution with using a doctor who is not an MD. (Some doctors who practice as naturopaths also do have their MD). I personally had a not-so-good experience with a naturopath early in my diagnosis who wanted to do some super expensive IV therapy for “mercury poisoning” — that turned out to be totally unnecessary. Not to say that there aren’t knowledgeable, caring naturopaths out there — but buyer beware.
Thank you everyone for the sound advice and words of encouragement. I plan on taking a list of questions & points to confirm and having every one addressed before I swallow the pill.
I decided to make my home preparations a little over the top as i find conflicting information online.
As you said Kimberly, laws and guidlines vary from state to state, facility to facility. Even country to country. Our (U.S.) laws are pretty relaxed since the late 90’s for various reasons.
If I had the same procedure done in Toronto, my hospital stay would be 2 days minimum, followed by a 7 day in home isolation. They recommend many showers a day and not sharing a bed for at least 9 days.
So, is the I-131 I am receiving here less dangerous than what is used in Canada?
I would rather be overly safe then put anyone or my pets at risk.
Depending on what my Dr recommends post treatment I may very well be searching for a new one. I will keep the naturopath option in mind. Thanks Bret!
I found recommendations for high antioxidant fruits and veggies after radiation of any kind on a cancer site. Apricots, goji berries, blueberries, mulberries, kale, etc. I figured they are a healthy addition to any diet so I plan on making my first week really antioxidant heavy. They also recommended coffee enemas…..gonna pass on that.
Tomorrow is the big day! Time to show Grave’s who is boss.
Hi Azguy, yes, I think you have received much good advice.
I am so curious about the Canadian guidelines you referenced, that I plan to write to them to ask if they are their current guidelines.I live just below the border from Canada on the west side of the country. I have a couple friends who are MD’s in nuclear med in Canada. They completely disagreed with these guidelines, so I am wondering if they are still current, and/or if it is a geographic difference (which happens.) Anyway, I am surprised, for as I understand it from my Canadian friends, the Canadian Health Service is much more careful with expenditures for some procedures, than the U.S. system. But these guidelines are in great contrast to that.
Best wishes tomorrow. Do what you need to do for yourself, and get the rest of your information from Nuc. Med tomorrow. As gatorgirly and others has said, the endocrinologist is not the right resource for information about RAI. If you had more time, you could have contacted them ahead of time, but you will be just fine receiving the info tomorrow.
I look forward to hearing from you again! Maybe even tomorrow!!
ShirleyIts done. My dr agreed with the Canadian protocol referenced earlier. Its not required but he agreed it was helpful.
Now to race home! I will check in later!
Interesting. Glad you have this experience behind you.
When you say “my doctor” do you mean your endocrinologist, or the people in nuclear medicine? Didn’t the people who did the RAI give you any guidelines or information at all?
But, as you say, you have decided to follow the Canadian guidelines. They seem extreme and overcautious to me, but that certainly cannot hurt you, and the fact that you are doing what you have decided to do is very empowering for you. Do keep writing, tell us how things are going.
ShirleyWow AZGravesGuy, feel the same way here, I also had my RAI this morning I am Isolated in the spare bedroom away from my wife 2 cats, Dog, Turtle, and Rabbit! No one told me anything and my wife blew up at me for not asking questions today(or ever) sorry dont think of it till its too late. Anyways Everything we are doing here is directly off the ATA website, only thing is I have 3 days for sure and my work the US Army wants me to go back to work where there is no way possible to stay 6 feet away from people plus working in a aircraft hangar where I profusely sweat all the time. They want me back at work but I still cant sleep with my wife or be with my furry kids, makes no sense at all.
I think you two guys will have a lot of fun (?) comparing notes!
ShirleyHi Everyone!
Today is day 1. I feel like I am physically on fire. Very warm.
Aside from an uncomfortable sleep, and the heat, I feel good. Normal.
NO APPETITE. I am thinking this is just stress related. I am drinking about 18oz of water, coconut water, or green tea every hour.
Shirley, It was my Nuclear Medicine dr that I compared protocols with. ( I printed out the flyer) He was familiar with the Canadian measures, and even said that is what he used to recommend….until the “insurance companies sued and lobbied to change the laws because of the costs involved”.
(So there’s my answer. I-131 is “safer” here because of the costs involved and nothing else. Way to go big business! Put money before health!)
I had 16.5mci. The tech said if I had over 30mci I would have a mandatory 48 hour quarantine in facility, which most insurance policies will not cover.
He recommended I shower 2-3 times a day for the first 48 hours to remove as much residue as possible. After the 48 hours, once a day should be sufficient.
The Dr asked why I didn’t have prevalent TED, I told him of my MMJ use, which he immediately discounted. His attitude then changed completely and our consultation was over. Arrogant, short, and condescending. Keeping his personal politics out of the exam room was too much for him to handle. Whatever. For being the head of the department, he certainly wasn’t very professional. Great! Another d-bag doctor. LOL! The proof is in my non bulging eyes. If it works for glaucoma pressure and pain, it seems reasonable that it would work for TED.
Metalsrfr, I understand your frustration. It’s insane how relaxed our regs are for this type of radiation. It really depends who you ask how safe we really are to others. It doesn’t make sense at all. BTW, turtles rock! I have a RES in my pond. He’s 9 years old and generally shy, but a great addition to the pond ecosystem.
The cat and dog are staying in boarding until Monday. I Facetimed with them this morning. They seem to be enjoying their stay.
This sure has been an experience. Hopefully NEVER again. We will see what tomorrow brings.
Yes I love my RES my wife and I just upgraded her tank from a 40 gallon custom display to a 100 gal tank. Sorry to everyone else for the off topic.
Hey, if “turtle talk” can provide some levity during this time, I say go for it.
You can also use the PM feature to contact another poster directly. When you send a PM, the system sends a “ping” to the e-mail address that they registered with to notify them of the message…then they can log into the boards and retrieve it.
Ha. I have mentioned on here before that I know several people in my profession (in-house PR) who have Graves, so it’s becoming a common theme. Now I also know three people, myself included, who have both a red-eared slider and Graves. While Graves is usually attributed to stress and genetics, I wonder if our turtles have anything to do with it?
Just kidding, of course. I agree with Kimberly that it’s nice to have light-hearted conversations on here every now and then.
I dont think out RES’s have anything to do with it LOL, Actually My RES brings me some serenity when she is swimming back and forth, and flipping over rocks and just being curious. I watch her more than the TV sometimes.
Good luck you two! I hope you are feeling better today!
I met and went to a US military talk at my uni during the Iraq war. The soldier was seeking asylum in Canada as he had been lied to before entering the military and felt the US war was unjust. Anyway, I remember him saying that soldiers were shooting their own legs to go to Germany, or another country to get medical treatment and get out of Iraq. The military charged them with damaging US property, as that is what a soldier is!
Correct me if I am wrong, but this is what he said! My point being you probably, as a military member, had no choice for treatment. In the civilian world, in Canada, I don’t think a doctor can force you to take any one treatment for Graves.’
Cheers you two! xoxo
yes some of that stuff did happen but not as much as it is led to believe, and yes I was told I will do this, the Army is looking at the fastest way to get me healthy and battle ready again, I love my job and want to stay in till retirement . Plus whatever complications come with this they will take care of even after I get out of the Army the VA will take of me,might take longer to get the care but we will see.
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