Hi everyone,
New to this BB, not so new to Grave’s. Have this problem maybe someone can offer some insight to. I seem to have developed a fear of having blood drawn. Not a good thing to have with Grave’s and the constant monitering that needs to happen. The last time I had by levels checked, I was stuck by none other than Vampira. Now I’m not a wimp by any means, but this woman left me with a bruise that not only wrapped around my elbow, but it lasted for almost a month. To top it off, when I said “ouch” she as much as called me a baby. I left in tears and haven’t been back. Found a new lab, but can’t seem to find the nerve to get there. I was due for new levels last week. The more I think about it, the harder it gets. Anyone else ever feel like this? Any advice?
Too embarrassed to sign my real name(but my middle name is anxiety)