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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    It isn’t necessarily a bad idea to have a general range for the blood test values, but it is MUCH BETTER to look at your own lab test papers and look at the range that is printed on the sheet there. That is because different labs can use slightly different reagents in the testing, or because your doctor may have ordered a slightly different type of T3 test than you are looking up the results for on the web, etc. etc. Your lab results will have the range printed on the form sent to your doctors, and that is the range that matters, not one you might find on the web (which is more generalized).


    Post count: 93172

    Hi everyone,

    New to this BB, not so new to Grave’s. Have this problem maybe someone can offer some insight to. I seem to have developed a fear of having blood drawn. Not a good thing to have with Grave’s and the constant monitering that needs to happen. The last time I had by levels checked, I was stuck by none other than Vampira. Now I’m not a wimp by any means, but this woman left me with a bruise that not only wrapped around my elbow, but it lasted for almost a month. To top it off, when I said “ouch” she as much as called me a baby. I left in tears and haven’t been back. Found a new lab, but can’t seem to find the nerve to get there. I was due for new levels last week. The more I think about it, the harder it gets. Anyone else ever feel like this? Any advice?

    Too embarrassed to sign my real name(but my middle name is anxiety)

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