Hi Flame,
I can see from your posts that you seem to be a type A personality. RUSH, RUsh, Rush. It is hard for us to slow down when Graves’ hits but that is what most of us need. Slow down, smell the roses. That is smell the roses not cultivate the bed, spread manure, weed, fertilize, trim, prune, etc. SMELL the roses.
It takes time to get your levels where they need to be. Frustrating I know. I still have to catch a snooze most days. I know I can no longer do everything I used to be able to do. Took a lot of time to realize that. Took me a few trips to the hospital with chest pains to learn to slow down.
My body was saying KISS (Keep it simple stupid). When I did not keep it simple my body would be in pain.
Give yourself some time. Things will get better. We are here 24/7.
We are only a click away.
On-line FacilitatorExcept for the endo. consult at the hospital before my RAI, I have been treated only by my regular dr. for my GD. I’m starting to wonder if I should see an endo. for my residual care. Up til now my doc has been great. His treatment kept me from having surgery when that normally would have been my only option. Now that my situation isn’t so serious, I don’t feel like I’m getting treatment in a reasonable amount of time. After my RAI, it took 3 months for my hormone levels to drop low enough for me to start on synthroid. Since then my levels have steadily dropped lower and lower. They were normal for the first time about 2 months ago and I still felt low. I’m pretty sure that by the time my labs came back then (2 weeks later, of course) that I was already low again (which is why I haven’t felt “normal” really since any of this started). My doc has me coming in for labs and check-up every 3 months now. I’m not regulated in my synthroid yet apparently (like I was told that I was) with levels still falling so, is this a normal period of time to wait between visits at this point (7 months now since my RAI) in my treatment? I know it takes time to get regulated on synthroid and time for labs to come back and time for changes in doses to take effect, but I really don’t feel I’m off base in wanting faster “service” for lack of a better word. I don’t want to whine if this is normal. I just don’t think it is or if it is that it should be. I feel I’ve been lucky thus far in my treatment. However, it’s EXTREMELY frustrating when I know what is going on with my body and what needs to be changed, but I have to wait 2 weeks for labs and 2 weeks for medication changes which puts me a month behind in treatment. All the while I am sleeping 16+ hours a day and feeling crappy wishing I were asleep the rest of the time. Most of the time I have a great attitude and outlook on my condition except for a bad day here or there. But for the last week, I have been crabby, bitchy, and all together unpleasant. I don’t go out. I’m always too tired. Some aches and pains, but nothing really bad or on a regular basis. Just this constant fatigue that never lets up. I’m depressed I know. Today is a VERY bad day. I never get to go anywhere or do anything. I’ve taken care of others since I was 17. And, now that they are gone, 10 years later, I get this stupid disease which prevents me from doing anything worthwhile for my self. I’m only 27. I’m single and have gone on only 3 dates since I broke an engagement off 4 years ago and started taking full-time care of people in my family. That was my choice and I felt my duty, but this… I really don’t have too much control over and I HATE it! I want to feel good about myself. I don’t want to be a cow for any longer than I have to be. I don’t like having to explain about GD to others so that I don’t seem like a total loser who doesn’t work because I have such a total lack of energy it’s all I can do to literally lift my head off the pillow some days much less get up to let the dog out to pee 3 or 4 times a day or a total psycho because I have a “fit” over something stupid. I want a life. A job. A date, maybe? And this STUPID disease is getting in my way! I feel completely helpless today. It always passes, but the feeling is becoming more and more common. If I could just get my levels straight and keep them that way, I would feel fine. Then I could focus on losing weight and going to school. People don’t realize how debilitating GD is! At this point, I would trade my constant fatigue for a few migraines. Atleast those go away! Anyway, any opinions on what I should do about the doc or endo. situation or general words of wisdom and/or encouragement would be well received today. And please excuse my long @$# posts.
Flame I am sorry you feel that way, I can kinda relate, but I have 3 kids and have been married for 14 years to a wonderful man who has put up with ALOT from me. The kids are great to my youngest 10, 12, 15. Needless to say the 15 and 12 yr olds are girls and drive me nuts ( teenagers) But the are the best through all this. I would like to say that I am sorry that you have been through so much with your family in such a short time. You are a wonderful person for taking time and caring for others. I am 5 foot 2 inches and went from 125 to 132! I know it doesn’t seemlike much but for me it is alot!!! I feel like a snail most of the time I to take a vitamin from a vitamin store that gives you energy just to get going, plus i work and have 3 kids, Do you take a vitamin? That could help. i had my thyroid surgically removed this past April and do feel much better but we are still adjusting meds so i will ( hope) feel back to normal soon. You can email me anytime you want we are all here for you and there are sunny skies ahead It can only get better.
AnnetteI don’t understand why it takes you so long to get your blood results back. I receive mine back in just afew days. I have been diagnosed for about 2 years. My doc treats me with tapazole. I just took a small dose of radiation iodiene to try to shock my gd into normal range. I go back next week to see if it helped. I feel really tired but keep pushing myself to keep going. I don’t want to become hypo. That is the reason for doing it this way slowly. I do go to a specialist. He has been treating me from the beginning and am very pleased so far. Just hang in there. My prayers are with you.
I think since you’re not doing so hot with your current doc, it might be worthwhile to check out an endo. See if the endo’s opinions on your treatment differ from your other doctor’s, and if so, how.
What I thought was strangest is that you aren’t getting your blood tested every month. I thought that was pretty much standard when we’re still working on getting levels set. It makes you feel like a needle tester, but it does give you quicker feedback, and therefore a better idea where your levels are so you can fix them faster.
I think Jake’s right too. The hardest thing, but one that’s very important is to find ways to slow down, and just bask in the glow of having nothing taxing to do for at least a half hour a day.
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