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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jake,

    Good post! Made me feel happy for you and laugh along with you
    too! I would also love to feel better even a psych thing! LOL

    I have been telling myself that I am going to check with my new
    endo about trying the T3 stuff. I keep putting it off. I think
    subconciously he will say no to the idea. Then I thought I could
    print off the info about the T3 therapy and send him a letter.

    Last week I got my bone density test but it takes a few weeks to
    get the results back. My gut feeling is that mine is good. Got
    to wait and see though. I got the bone density test requested by
    my Rheumatoid doctor for my Fibromyalgia. My insurance company
    had to approve the test under my plan.

    Congratulations on the weight loss too. Gee, if I lost 16 pounds
    I would be done! LOL

    If you talk to your endo soon could you ask her about the side
    effects from staying on the antidepressant Prozac and ask her
    if she knows if their is a correlation between Graves’ and teeth
    breaking off problems?

    When you get your blood work does your endo check other stuff in
    your blood besides the thyroid stuff? Like vitamims and mineral
    things. Ya know, calcium, magnesium, zinc and stuff like that.

    Michele B. :)

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