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  • Anonymous
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    Hi Kristin
    I’ll share with you my symptoms of GED also knowwn as Thyroid (associated) Orbitopathy, Thyroid Eye Disease, Graves’ Orbitopathy, or Graves Ophthalmopathy.
    The first symptom was a slight swelling just below one eye. Next, a few days later, I had double vision I had my head down, with chin tucked in, and looking up in the mirror I noticed two pairs of eyes. This was not a good thing. Very frightened off to doc. who mumbled “hmm”. Duuh! Well, then my eyes hurt whichever direction I looked in (muscles).
    To date double vision continues (but in my case this is really weird because I have lost the central vision in one eye).
    Next, eyes feel very gritty, very watery, sometimes tears rolling down the face.

    As far as I know, it is *extremely rare* for anyone to lose their vision with Graves Eye Disease.
    Vision can be put in jeopardy if the optic nerve is compressed by swelling tissue, at the back of the eyes. Signs of nerve compression would, I believe, be the loss of colours (say, red, which would appear, dull and maybe faded). Nerve de-compression can be reversed by surgery, which would be considered urgent.
    How are you feeling? I hope you’re doing okay. Let us know. And keep in touch if you have any more questions. There are lots of people here to help you.

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