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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    My doctor had given me a list of things to watch for when I was first diagnosed in December ’92. I was chugging along just fine when double vision started in Oct. ’93 so I called him as that was on the list. We started with prednisone, but my eyes got worse and worse. I had radiation in May ’94, emergency decompression in August ’94 and radiation again in November ’94. My eye doctor did everything he could think of to keep my vision intact and it is okay now. He said, and I have found, the eye part of this disease has its own agenda and you just wait it out. There were two times during the four years I spent with the eye part that I couldn’t drive. The doc says when the double vision is bad to cover one eye so I do. It doesn’t seem to hurt my driving. I do want to reassure you though that my eyes were really a mess. Most people don’t have as long a road or as long a time with eye problems.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Hazel,

    Yes I was on prednisone for a long time and didn’t appreciate the side effects much. They pulsed me a couple of times to see if it would help. Unfortunately it didn’t. My double vision is not always bad. When it gets so it bothers me, especially when I’m tired, I cover one eye. Until I find another eye doc I am comfortable with and really trust, I will wait. The doc that did my previous surgeries is not covered by my insurance anymore. The reason I got to him in the first place was I was so bad no one else wanted to touch me. (My gp told me that.) I did develop cataracts and glaucoma from the prednisone, but the cataracts have been removed. I am just happy I can see. It doesn’t have to be perfect. Hope you are coming along okay.

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