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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi everybody, I just posted a message to Bruce about my vision problem. If anyone else has eye problems and cares to read it, that’d be great! Fell free to e-mail me or respond here. I’m pretty scared about this “new” development. I’m still not understanding getting symptoms, let alone new ones, when I’m suppose to be ok now. My MD said that I was esentially “cured”. Can anyone talk to me about this?. This BB has been a life saver. Thanks everbody! Trish

    Post count: 93172

    Atenelol is the only beta blocker I have tried. I agree with Francie that caffiene contributes. I don’t drink coffee, but did reduce my soft drinks to one a day. I also find that sugar contributes. I really need to eliminate both. You are not far into your treatment, so I am thinking that perhaps you will get better soon. It does take awhile. I am better than I was, but just not free of them as I would like to be. Do continue to tell your doctor about the palpitations.
    Good luck to you!

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