My best friend had this and at one point had to carry a 5 subject note book with her at all times she had a work section, a childrens section, a household section, med and health section ana another section. If she did not write everything down she was totally lost. She no longer has to write the little stuff down she does write appointments and so on.
Kelsey you may want to consider anti depressants. I find tht right now I am investing so much into this disease that I am having symptoms of depression. For example today I cried because while my husband who understands little about the disease (this is further hampered by the fact that he is from Brazil and I have had no success in finding information for him in portuguese for him to fully understand it. We are going to Brazil in July and I will ask his family doctor there to provide something even if its a lecture on it.)is so good about my current limitations I fear that he will grow tired of having a slightly older sick wife and eventually this disease along with my other health problems will impact my marriage. I am contacting my old mental health provider to go through the intake process and get back into counseling and on anti depressants to help me.
Consider finding a friend or family memner that will understand this disease who is willing to listen to you and be your sounding board. While this BB and the people here are wonderful I could not get through this without my best friends.
Feel free to email me.