This has been bugging me for the past week, so I figure I’ll just post it, and try to get it out of my system…
Last week I had an appointment with my endo. As usual, I was kept waiting in the exam room for nearly an hour before the doctor came in. I forgot to bring something to read, so I flipped through the literature she had in the room. There were 3 general health newsletters published by some medical school, 11 assorted pamphlets on treatment of and living with diabetes, a chart on body mass indices and NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT THYROID DISEASE!!!! I feel like the ugly stepchild in my doctor’s diabetes practice!
I know that I could suggest that she carry literature about thyroids, or even pass some along to her, but why should I? I can’t be her only thyroid patient — shouldn’t she take some initiative here? I think I’ll probably switch doctors at some point — not just because of the literature thing, but I think that it does reflect her general lack of interest in this segment of her practice.