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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Jeane, welcome to the board.

    You’re not the first person to complain that there’s not any literature on thyroid problems at endo’s offices. I guess since most of us survive, although miserably, we don’t rate with diabetics, etc. I go to a primary care physician, because I didn’t know what was wrong with me in the beginning. He’s very knowledgable in GD — more so than some endos I’ve read about on this BB. It pays to shop around for a good doctor. God was with me to find one right away.

    I wish you luck with your eye problems. I have a slight problem compared to you. I never knew that the swelling could be irreversable. I have swelling, which has diminished after two RAI’s, but at least my lids have never gotten so bad that they didn’t close. Other people on this board have that problem, and I see that you’ve had some response to that already. That has to be miserable.

    You’re in my prayers.


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