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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    I don’t believe it is vegetarianism at all. I am hardly that.
    I think almost everyone here eats meat. I truly think
    it is something our bodies are predestined due to our genetic makeups.
    Look at all the family histories here of both Graves and other
    auto immune diseases in each family. I would like to see
    some survey done on how many auto immune diseases in each family
    tree. In mine, we have one yet to be diagnosed, M.S., arthritis,
    and that is just what I know from off the top of my head. I would have to ask my Mother and Aunt about the Grandparents and Great-Grandparents, etc.

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Janet,

    I was a vegetarian also.

    After my Graves diagnosis and subsequent road to recovery, my body was a wreck. Just like others here, very weak muscles, osteoporosis, etc. Also during that time I had a dental surgery that would not heal. My oral surgeon spent a lot of time discussing with me her opinions of protein consumption, or in my case the lack of it. She said that protein is the building block for cell renewal and subsequently, healing.

    I did quite a bit of research and revised my long standing comittment to being vegetarian. Although I just could not go “whole hog” (pun intended), I added fish to my diet three times a week. It was amazing. My dental surgery began healing at a remarkable rate.

    I don’t think that being a vegetarian caused Graves but I do think that gaps in nutrition affect our overall health. There are other ways to get protein into the diet without eating animal products, but for me, it just wasn’t working. I think the deficit was just too great in my case. I also drink a hi-protein drink daily now. (You can get them at the health food store)

    My muscles are a lot stronger now. Not as good as before Graves, but certainly progressively better. I’d encourage you to consult a good nutritionist to be sure that you are getting everything in your diet that you need to take care of yourself.

    Good luck and best wishes for good health,
    Valerie L

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