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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    How much month-to-month variability is normal in test scores? For example, my TSH results were:

    2/12/99 1.448
    4/15/99 3.867
    Reference 0.35-5.5

    Seems like a big jump on TSH, although both results were in the normal range. How much do other peoples’ levels vary over time?

    Post count: 93172

    Just got my bloodwork results. I WAS hyper in Feb. and now have been taken off ATD’s. Could someone interpret these results, I do not know what is the normals for these tests. My results were: TSH – 67.25, T4 – 3.9, T3 – 70. i would like to become more informed about this technical aspect of my condition

    Post count: 93172

    When the test results are sent, there is also an indication on the form that shows what the normal ranges are. “Normal” can vary from one lab to another; usually it’s not by much, but it can make a difference. So the best thing you could do is call your doctor’s office and have the nurse read off the test results AND the ranges. And then you could ask him/her any questions you might have.


    Post count: 93172

    I do not know what this all means. Bobbi said to get the “normals” on the tests. This is what they read:TSH normal – 4.2 – .4 Mine was 67.25. T4 – normal 5.0 -12.0 mine was 3.9. T3 normal – 60 – 181 mine was 70. Can someone interpret?

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