Hi Stephanie,
I will share with you what I recall of the uptake scan.
The thyroid uptake and scan is a commonly performed test that determines the overall function
of your thyroid gland and shows the structure of the gland.It is very important that you eliminate salt in your diet, and absolutely no fish or seafood until
completion of the study. You should have nothing
to eat for 2 hours immediately following administration of the capsule.UPTAKE
You will be given a small amount of radioactive iodine in a capsule form. You may be asked to
return a few hours later and the following day to undergo an uptake procedure that measures the
absorption of the radioactive iodine by your thyroid gland. To measure uptake, a probe/counting
device is placed a few inches in front of your neck and several counts are taken; this will take
5-10 minutes. The number of uptake measurements taken and the times at which they are taken
may vary based on your doctor’s request or the Nuclear Medicine Department’s procedure.SCAN
The thyroid scan is usually performed after the uptake measurements, usually on a return visit
the following day. It provides a picture of the gland’s structure , shape and the presence of any
abnormalities or lumps. The scan will take about
60 minutes.Dee
NGDF, Asst. online facilitatorHello,
I finally got through at the hospital with my uptake and scan. I wondered why they point that thing (for the uptake test) at the thigh. Today, the nurse forgot about me and I was able to see my uptake on my thigh, it was 75%.
Thanks to everyone who has already responded to my earlier post. I really appreciate the help.
I just took the little orange pill to start the thyroid uptake scan.
Back this afternoon and tomorrow morning. Tech said results should be back within two days of finishing the test. So, I guess that means I will have to wait till Monday for results. I am more nervous of the results than the scan. I am finding my motto of “time will tell” applies to this as well. Will post again when I have my diagnosis………………
Cocoa -
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