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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Finally, I saw the ocular plastic surgeon on Thursday, I think I should not be so ready for answers sometimes. I start irradiation on both eyes on Monday, the swelling and scarring is severe and still in the hot stage, ( I could use some info on the side effects, I have not found much yet) then orbital decompressions, and of course lid retractions. He said it would take approx six months to complete all phases. He is trying to not use steroids, but may have to along with the radiation. I had to switch to glasses after wearing contacts for 11 years, its been real tough today trying to adjust, but said the dryness is going to be worse after the radiation starts.


    Post count: 93172

    Hi Angie,
    I, too, had RAI but in Jan. of ’99! Went back to work in Feb. and was feeling much better!
    I don’t drink milk but, happened to have a glass of chocolate milk. a few days later I had some cheese and then another time, ice cream and so on. I wonder if GD makes your body less tolerant of foods and/or meds and that causes problems? I just seem to keep getting a longer and long list of what not to eat, drink or take! *L*
    I wish you a lot of luck and blessings for the upcoming tests. Be sure to let us know how it goes!
    Take care and God bless,

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