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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Morning Warriors.

    Like I said last night I had a great meeting with the dermatologist. She suggested a punch biopsy (where they punch a section of skin out and stitch it closed) so they can look at a cross section of the skin. I didn’t feel like being pucntured and she agreed it could wait until I had my thyroid levels checked. She said pretibial maxedemia is normally active in the hypo state.

    Hypo?? I take the largest dose of thyroid replacement hormones of anyone I know!! But it made sense. Jan has been telling me that I am acting hypo. So off to my endo and more blood work. Thinking about the T3 T4 pill instead of the artificial replacements. Will takd to her about that.

    The great part was the Dermatologist was impressed that I knew about pretib and graves related skin conditions. We had a nice talk and she was going to go off and look into the Graves skin link some more. Will see her again in a few weeks.

    Once in awhile you find a pearl in all those oysters!!

    On-line facilitator

    Post count: 93172

    Hi Jake,

    I had a punch biopsy while my levels were in the “normal” range, it was pretibial maxedemia, but my levels continued to fall for another 6 months before it dropped way low….beware, just a note.

    P.S. mine was in the form or huge knots on my shins, not the normal rash symtoms….


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