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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      >How did your doctor make the decision for you to take T3?

      I had been feeling sluggish for 5 years since the beginning of my
      treatment with anti-thyroid drugs. (That treatment lasted 1 1/2 years,
      but my situation didn’t improve after it finished and I was “normal”
      again.) My doctor suggested T3, I tried it, and it helped!

      >My other question is about headaches and being hypo.

      Migraines began only a year ago, starting with a bad ocular migraine.
      I then had them once a week, and a few months later every three days.
      Eventually they were nearly every day. Fortunately all the migraines
      stopped immediately after starting T3.

      I must admit I have had some reappearance of occasional migraines, but
      it’s not surprising considering that it is quite difficult to maintain
      constant T3 levels. I am doing the best I can by taking T3 three times
      daily. (However, each dose for me is only a quarter of a 25mcg pill.)

      Although doctors do usually suggest synthroid (T4) before meals, there
      is no recommendation for T3. I have found that T3 generally gets absorbed
      either way, but taking it after the meal helps make the absorption not
      too quick.

        Post count: 93172

        Im on synthroid, is T3 a seperate medication? Terrible headaches, will this help?

          Post count: 93172

          > Im on synthroid, is T3 a seperate medication?
          > Terrible headaches, will this help?

          Yes, T3 and T4 are two separate thyroid hormones.
          I don’t know whether or not T3 will help you, but
          you could discuss the option with your doctor.


            Post count: 93172

            I have two questions for everyone. When you get your bloodwork done, do you have your T3 level checked. The only levels that my doctor check at the TSH and Free T4. Do you think that I should ask hims to check my T3 levels? I noticed a couple of you post that you take T3? Did you have RAI for being hyper and then go hypo? How did your doctor make the decision for you to take T3? I am just curious because that was never ever discussed with me.

            My other question is about headaches and being hypo. I can’t say that I ever had any headaches/migraines. Before this disease, I might have had a migraine about once a year. Well I am now hypo and this past 2 days, I have had a wicked headache. At first it was like a migraine because my stomach was upset. I took Adasol Forte and it seemed to help. I almost still have a touch of it today. Sometimes I wonder if it is from too much sleep because I seem to sleep more/more solid than what I used to. The only thing I did have when I was hyper was a sensation on the left side of my head that would come and go. I mentioned this to all the doctors and they sort of shrugged it off felt it could possibly have been nerve pain.

            I’ve been keeping a journal lately (wish I had from the beginning) and it is amzing how many different feelings you can experience with Graves. Just imagine what too much or too little hormones can do to you.

            I will end off by telling you that I know a woman (who now actually is an administrator in my physicians office) who told me that 20 years ago she was feeling really ill. She went to every doctor and specialist that she could possibly go to and in the end they all suggested a psychiatrist. Well she went to the psychiatrist and he told her that it was impossible for her to have all the things wrong with her that she told him because if she did she would not be able to walk, let alone make it to his office. I know she was devestated. Well, somehow she managed to find someone who did a bloodtest and found that she had Graves disease, with very advanced eye disease. Her eyes are not as bad now but I notice she always wears tinted glasses. She is fine now and it is great to know that someone at my doctor’s office (other than my doctor) realizes what this disease is all about.

            Thanks for listening.

              Post count: 93172

              I to get terrible headaches and have been wondering if this could be caused by tsh levels being off. Does anyone know anything about the relationship between these two? Please email me. Thanks

                Post count: 93172

                My doctor still doesn’t know if I have thyroiditis or Graves Disease and is sending me to an Endo on Apr. 3 but I am having terrible headaches that seem like an old “hangover” headache. The only thing that relieves them is the Inderal my doctor gave me when I was having high pulse rate and tremors. Does anyone know what this can be? My blood tests are now coming back in the range of hypo.

                  Post count: 93172


                  I took I. . . (propanolol to us on the Board, who should always use the generic name for meds when we post) for migraine headaches. It was my understanding that this was preventative, not treatment for an existing headache, but it is hard to tell when one is taking a med regularly. It is possible that your headaches are caused by a vascular response and the I is dealing with it. Check with your doctor. Beta blockers are not something to take casually.

                  Best of luck in dealing with this!
                  Elisa (

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