Hi, Copperpenny!
Normal lab values vary from clinic to clinic, so you should only interpret the tests according to the normal range given at your lab. If you haven’t gotten one already, ask for a copy of your test results, which should have the normal range listed.
As an example, “Your Thyroid, A Home Reference” (Wood, Cooper, and Ridgway) give the following ranges for thyroid tests:
T4: 4.7 – 11.1 ug/dl
T3: 75 – 195 ng/dl
THBI: 0.77 – 1.23
T3 resin uptake: 25% – 35%
Free T4 Index: 1 – 4
Free T4: 0.8 – 1.9 ng/dl
TSH: 0.5 – 5.0 mU/mi
Radioiodine 123I uptake: 10 – 30%/24 hr.
Thyroid antiperoxide (antimicrosomal) antibody: 0
Once you start on your thyroid hormone replacement meds, you should start to feel better.
Wishing you renewed energy and happy times ahead! 
Online Assistant Facilitator, NGDF