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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I am so confused. I got the results of the blood work the nurse says all is normal and the only chang is my TSH reading it was 1.44 on the 29th and is now 2.06 on the 8th. What does this change mean other than its still in normal ranges? Why and I so sick from this and my labs still say I am normal?

    My blood pressure is sky high as is my pulse rate. I shake all the time. I do not sleep well at all. I havehad a constant headache since Friday. I am irritable to ut it politiely (Can I use the B word here?). I have lost 7 pounds in a week. I am not dieting. My blood sugar readings are off the wall.They are very high one minute and dropp draumatically 20 minutes later with out intervention.

    I can’t stop crying. Its driving me crazy. When will I get better if my labs are quote normal and I am this sick?


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