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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Michele. From my own experience and from what I
      have read on the subject, shaking legs can be a
      symptom of hyperthyroidism. Like most of the symptoms
      of Graves’, not everyone experiences it (and like most
      of the symptoms, not all docs are aware of it as a
      symptom.) HYPOthyroidism can cause muscle spasms,
      cramps, and really annoying “twitching.” Have you
      had your levels tested recently? From your post,
      it sounds like the doc brushed off your symptoms
      and didn’t do a blood draw. It makes sense to me
      to have the blood work done if you’re experiencing
      sleeplessness and shakiness.
      Glad to hear you got a good night’s sleep last night!
      Take care,

        Post count: 93172

        Hi All,

        I was feeling really good again……then I started this not being able to fall asleep stuff. I thought it was from feeling good again and taking a daily vitamin until it continued. (:

        I went to see our new family doctor last Thursday night because I had a big splinter under my finger nail. He got it out easily (only 2 ouches)! Anyway, I asked for a blood test because I thought something might be going on because my leg shaking stuff has started up again. He said that was not a symptom of GD. Now I think it must be a sign for me of not enough sleep because the first time I had it was the summer of 94. My dx for GD came in Jan95. I had thought it was a hyper symptom!

        I mentioned the sleeping problem and the new family doctor said that he wanted me to request my old medical records and that he and I would go over them together. I was shocked and happy that he would go over them with me. <WOW>

        Last night I was fried from not sleeping the night before so I took a dose of Benadryl after eating and slept like a baby! I am on my second week back to work and I was so sure the sleeping problem would correct itself because my friend told me that I needed something to get tired about like working. :)

        Well, at least I got up early today. Won’t my husband be surprised!

        Michele B.

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