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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    When I was hyper, I couldn’t sleep because I was so wound up I couldn’t relax. I was too hot, my heart was pounding, my thoughts were racing.

    When hypo, I was sleepy but my sleep was of poor quality and I woke up often. I had killer cramps in various muscles, especially my calves, and whatever I was lying on would “go to sleep” (at least some of my body parts were sleeping! LOL). As I dropped off to sleep, I would feel that I wouldn’t breathe unless I actively concentrated on the process. This would of course wake me up. I found that I could only sleep sitting up, not a restful position. There were also lots of nocturnal trips to the bathroom.

    The experiences were different, but both lousy.


    Post count: 93172

    Can anyone figure this out? I”m still restless at night. It takes me at least an hour or longer to fall asleep. I take Elavil for sleep/migraine and Inderal also, all of my levels except for TSH are in the normal range. Then why the sleeplessness? I toss and turn, get up and down. It is driving me nuts. Is there something more I can take or something to do that will help me fall asleep? I know many of us have this problem here. If I’m not hyper then what is the trouble?

    Thanks for any help on this,


    Post count: 93172


    What time of the day are you exercising? If it’s too soon before you go to bed, that may be a factor in your sleeplessness.


    Post count: 93172

    I also am still having trouble sleeping, all of my levels are in range, except TSH which only last week was up to .02. Endo says hang in there, sleep should come soon. I am on no meds other that estrogen and tapazole. Nerves seem to be calming down, but sleep is not coming like I would like. Keep Smiling Idaellie

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