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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I was not treated for Graves in Germany. I came down with
      it after I moved to Florida. And yes I found Germany very beautiful.
      I would love to go back to live for a few years again. We lived in
      Waldorf, Hessen outside Frankfurt. Now about Graves. It is up to the
      Doctors and your thyroid levels how long they go between treatments.
      Some people do get better after they have been on the pills for a year
      or so but it is not 50% here. PTU has the side effects of lowering your
      white blood cell count and can damage your internal organs if taken to
      long. The Atomic cocktail is radioactive iodine and it kills the thyroid
      or a portion of it. If done right enough is left to make for a normal
      life and you do not need to take any additional medicine. If you take to
      much or to little they have to give you replacment thyroid or do the cocktail
      again. There are other durgs used here to slow down the thyroid other than
      PTU but they are not in popular use and I don’t know what they are. Keep in
      touch and mayby when we get the CHAT room up and running you can get on-line
      with us if the time difference is right for you.
      Jake George :-)

        Post count: 93172

        Jake, yes thank you I will send an envelope.
        It really sounds as if they are giving me and
        my throid more time to come back up to normal.
        The first round in 1993 I was on pills for
        1.5 years and no one even thought about atomic
        cocktails or operation. And TSH did come back to
        normal. Too bad that the whole thing started
        over again 1.5 years after that (6month ago). I
        still hope to make do without the cocktail and
        get of the medicine. You mentioned in one of
        your messages that this PCU or whatever it is
        called is not good for your body. Carbimazol also
        has some side effects, but I seem to be rather
        healthy. Is there an alternative drug to the PCU.
        There are at least two drugs in use to block the
        thyroid in Germany. But it is still no cure, it
        only levels you out. Why the thyroid does come
        back to normal (sometimes with some people) eventuellythey
        don’t know. But they say there is a 50% for it to
        go away and not come again – any statistics like
        this in America?
        What happens once your thyroid does react to the
        Atomic Cocktail, do you have to take thyroid hormones
        afterwards ?
        How did you like Germany – were you treated for Graves here
        in Germany?
        I was born in Bonn,but I moved done to the South (Heidelberg) to go
        to school and eventually ended up in Freiburg,very close to the
        Swiss and French boarder and to the Black Wood Forest.
        It’s beautifull.
        Pam Detrois

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