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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Miss Had ENOUGH,
    SHAME ON YOU!! Graves is a roller coaster ride and each one of us have had a turn on this ride. Each one of us have been where you are now. By reading your post I think you are really having a bad graves disease day. In stead of letting our b.b.know that you needed alot of support,and some answers that you may have had –you attack us and also have an attitude that makes me wonder if you are venting just like the rest of us do.When you get educated on GRAVES DISEASE and how it effects your life please come back to our board and let us know how you are doing.EVERYONE on this board has been a blessing to me and the people that I turn to when I need to just read or post something that may help someone else or help me.BE thankful that you have a computer to get on and check around to find some support. There are so many people that have GRAVES DISEASE that can’t get any support from family,friends or a computer. I for one would like for you to stay with our family .As happy as you say you are we could use it on our board. YOU could help so many of us when we are not feeling the same as you are.You could lift up someones sprits and just maybe we would say that you are a true warrior.We here at the GRAVES DISEASE B.B.take our BOARD like you would a marriage.FOR BETTER OR WORSE.We are also the only place that you could go and vent out how you feel without getting cussed out or a husband /wife would leave you .So think about what you are saying to this board .You can learn more by listening /reading than by putting down a group because they are not posting what you want to read.THANK GOD to night that this is a small problem you are having instead of one of the families that had to put away one of their children today May GOD bless you and we hope to hear from you again .OH !by the way I’M very happy and up beat on beliving that we all will be well one day.

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