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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Hi Everyone,

    This is to let you know that a list of tapes from
    this year’s conference will be available sometime
    in August. A list of tapes that are available from
    previous conferences will be compiled as soon as
    we have completed our tape inventory.

    I will have our terrific and awesome Webmaster, Jake,
    include this on our homepage. Hopefully, by this time,
    it will be possible to purchase these tapes using
    our secure credit card transaction.

    The tapes are a great education tool in themselves.
    However, there is no way humanly possible for you
    to experience the exhileration, the support, the learning,
    the love, most especially the love which envelopes
    every person in the room through a mere video tape.
    You need to be there in the room.

    I sincerely hope all of you will consider coming to
    the Louisville conference this year. This is the only
    way you can truly experience exactly what goes on at
    these conferences.

    I am still taking reservations and will
    continue to take them until June 14, 1999. This is also
    the date that the hotel will give all who register
    the special room rate which NGDF has arranged with them.
    After June 14, registration will be accepted on a
    space available basis. You can reach me for information
    by sending me a message at I will get
    back to you as soon as I can in between preparations for my daughter’s wedding.

    I hope to see all of you there,

    Pat Anicka
    NGDF Manager of Information Systems

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