I am curious how your blood work was prior to going off anti-thyroid meds.
I just got my blood test results. My TSH was 2.6 (ref range 0.4 to 5.5)
my T4 was 6.6 (ref. range 4.5 to 12.3). These results are while taking
1 PTU of 50 mg/per day. My TSH has been 2.6 for months. My last T4 was 9.3, so
it has gone down. I’ve been feeling HYPO…tired all the time. Even
my frequent bm’s that I thought I’d have forever and ever, have changed
to “normal” and getting almost constipated!!! Yet the blood tests say I’m
in the normal range, so I wonder…were you off PTU when your blood tests
were normal for a period of time, or did the doctors wait for you to get
hypo on whatever dosage you were on? Thanks.
(I just don’t want to wake up in a few days all hyper and wireds because
I got off the stuff too soon. It’s been two days without PTU and so far,
I’m STILL tired).