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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi, I know someone I here said they’d never heard of GD and fibromyalgia going together, but I have. It’s a type of arthritis (I got pamphlets from the arthritis foundation explaning this) I was first diagnosed with it, then had x-rays and they found arthritis in my spine and hip. My chiropractor said that because my graves was not reated for so long, that it caused problems in otherways. One autoimmune disease makes us more prone to others; one of which is arthritis. I exercise and stretch everyday. I also go to a chiroprator occasionally and get acupunture weekly. I think all of these things help; especially the exercise and acupunture. I got a brochure from the thyroid foundation a year or so ago and it said we were more sucepptible to arthritis, insulin debendant diabetes, lupus, gray/white hair at an early age, graves eye disese, myasthenia gravis, and a few more. Sorry if this seems negative. It’s just meant to be informative. Anyway, my thyroid levels are now normal too and I still have symptoms too. Hang in there. Trish

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