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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172


      I agree with Jan’s comments. Just because your mother had it that does not necessarily mean you will develop it. However, if I were you I would monitor it and perhaps have bloodwork done once per year.

      My mother and great Aunt had a history of thyroid problems (they actually had goiters). I developed hyperthyroidism but did not have any gotiers as they did. My mother’s goiter devloped into a cold nodule and it was removed, however, she never ever required replacement hormone. I on the other hand was severly hyper and had RAI. I am now still trying to get stabilized on replacement hormone. Also, one other comment. I did not develop the hyperthyroidism until after my first pregnancy, however, it returned to normal within 4-5 months after birth since I took some medication. After I turned 34 years old that is when I went severely hyper which could not seemed to be controlled with medication. I also believe that stress I encountered helped bring on the full blown attack.

      So just because your mother had a problem with thyroid, you might not get it, and then again if you do, you might not necessarily have the same type of problems that she had. Hope this helps.


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