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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172

    Thanks for the support! It was a bad weekend! I was having the CT scan because I’ve been experiencing quite a bit of pain behind my eyes, itchy/gritty feelings, a lot of tearing and puffiness especially in the mornings. I have extremely poor vision, anyway, and only in my right eye (legally blind in left) and we can’t afford for any undue pressure on my optic nerve from enlarged muscles. My vision in my “good” eye is only 20/40 corrected — that’s as good as it gets. Anyway – that’s why we’re taking the precautionary route of checking it out now.

    On top of everything else (and I’m sure this wasn’t helping matters any) I was having an allergic reaction to the Tapazole. I’m now off of it and I had to go in today to have blood drawn (sigh) to check out my white cell count. I told her to just pick any old hole she wanted – what was one more bruise! So, tomorrow I’ll get that lab test result back, as well as the CT scan results. I stayed home from work today just from feeling so washed out from everything. Hopefully I’ll feel like going in tomorrow — we’ll see!

    This site’s been like a friend that I can just be myself to. Even my husband makes me feel like a whiner or that I’m “symptom-shopping” when I say how I’m feeling, so that just makes me not say anything. I don’t need that! Thanks to NGDF for giving us this space.

    Post count: 93172

    Sorry about your eyes. I hope your scan results come back ok.

    I know what you mean about being able to be yourself here….it really helps. I know my husband gets tired of hearing about all my symptoms as well. He once asked me if reading all this stuff made me feel more depressed. I told him that it didn’t because I learn so much here, and it helps to know that I am not alone in the things I am going through. I think there is a lot of support here and I am thankful.

    Take care and good luck.

    Post count: 93172

    Just wanted to let you know that I read your post this weekend and was so sorry to hear what you went through with your CT scan. Believe me, I would have been crying my eyes out if this happened to me with or without Graves’. What an ordeal! Hope you are better today.

    You said that when you are upset, your eyes and throat hurt. I can totally relate. One question…why exactly were you having the CT scan for your eyes? Do you have TED or was it to check whether you are developing it? I have a lot of pain (mainly due to dryness which drops do not really relieve), but otherwise the only other symptoms possibly related to TED are dark circles and puffiness and of course, worse some worsening of vision. I went to an ophthalmologist in March and was told that there was no evidence of TED, but had dry pockets on my eyes that were like little blisters. I was also told that this sometimes happens to people with autoimmune diseases as the quality of our tears are different and they do not moisturize the eyes the way they should. I will have a follow-up visit in October, so I will probably be a little more agressive in asking for futher tests then.

    Again, I am sorry that you have been feeling bad. I’m hoping that things will get much better for you.

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