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  • Anonymous
    Post count: 93172


    I have sat back and watched this “debate” with some cynicism and have been quiet. Ask anyone–that’s a first for me. But, I have a few questions that I feel need to be asked. If you have previously posted the answers, then I apologize, but I truly would like some answers.

    Why will you not put an e-mail address on here? Are you not willing to talk one-on-one with anyone?

    Just exactly what is your background? You talk as though you have a wealth of knowledge, I am just curious where it came from? Are you a medical professional?

    You have absolutely every right to your opinion–all of us do. What bothers me is that when someone has challenged you on here, you started bringing up “The First Amendment” and freedom of speech. You criticized our facilitator and his methods and the fact that we have some “27,000 posts of stored useless info” or something to that effect. I take offense to the fact that some of those posts were mine and I don’t like being told what I posted was useless. If what I said, or anyone else on this board, for that matter, helped even one other person, then IT WAS NOT USELESS.

    Like I said, you have every right to your opinion and the right to express it freely. What you have no right to do is to force it on me and to openly criticize mine or anyone else’s opinion on this board. You know what they say about opinions, they are like that other part of our anatomy–everyone has one!

    And if you want to answer this–go ahead, but if you don’t have the wherewithall to put your own e-mail address on here–don’t bother.

    Valerie McAlister

    Post count: 93172

    Once again things are getting a bit crazy here, all because someone brought information to our attention that “some” can’t seem to handle. Does this particular person fluster those of you who have trouble understanding his posts? If you don’t agree with someone, or have trouble understanding what is being said (which I suspect is the big problem), that is no reason to attack that person. Many have felt the need to attack Dominic and at the same time pat yourselves on the back for being so supportive – HAH! I for one welcome the information he has provided – it is now my option to pursue finding out more if I chose to. I for one wish I had known all I do now before I made my treatment decisions. I have read this BB for several years. How many times has someone posted “Knowledge is Power?” I believe that statement.

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