I read your post yesterday and was so angry I would
not even reply. This morning I have had 24 hours to
get my thoughts together and post a reply that is out
of thought and not out of passing emotions.
Two weeks ago my thinking was “off” as we all know
due to GD. I was on the roller coaster ride you see
people talk about. Yes, GD causes severe depression
at times. I had had a very difficult day and could
NOT quit crying. I couldn’t even talk in the chat room
that night. I pulled myself together enough to post
a message and was flooded with support from everyone here.
Prior to the GD being diagnosed, I had such bad times with
depression that I attempted, several times, to “cut” out
the pain by cutting myself. Irrational thinking. I was
trying to “drain” it all out of me. I tried to “sleep” it all away but taking too many sleeping pills. That is how this disease has affected me. If you are not affected the same way, thank God for that.
Right now I am on an even level, again. Had I sat here, in my home, alone, I probably would have done something very stupid
and ended up in the hospital or worse.
Kindly, thank God that you have not gotten to the
depth that this disease can take you and don’t throw
stones of those of us who it has affect adversely.
I USED to me so much more. A million dollar Real Estate
agent, aerobics instructor, etc. Last year I thought
my son was my brother, I could not physically even walk across the street to get my own mail. I have come so far but still get very
“down” at all that this disease has taken from me. “Of everything I have lost, I miss my mind the most” to quote a saying.
Take care and may God bless,