With respect to pregnancy issues, Flame, the studies I have seen show that there is no higher incidence of birth defects in women who have had RAI than with the general population. REalistically speaking, if a woman has had RAI, and then has a baby with problems, she is likely to blame the RAI, or the replacement hormone, or whatever. But statistically, we are no more likely to have that occur to us than the general population.
As far as coping with the raising of children, I had my three long, long before I developed Graves, and what I called “terminal fatigue” at the time was a constant companion during those early months of late-night feedings. If you do decide,eventually, to have children of your own, keep in mind that normal, healthy women often have trouble keeping up the the little ones with their wierd schedules. It is temporary, and it goes away once they are sleeping on a routine schedule.
It was heartwarming to hear of the support you received from your brother and his family. Would that we all could have such a wonderful source of immediate support. Keep taking good care of yourself.
Bobbi — NGDF Asst. Online Facilitator
(Also from S. FL)