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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Since I am perpetually broke, consider this your wedding present! Anyone who has Grave’s can see the significance of the words:


      Now you will feel no rain,
      for each of you will be
      shelter for the other.

      Now you will feel no cold,
      for each of you will be
      warmth to the other.

      Now there will be no

      Now you are two persons,
      but there is only one life
      ahead of you.

      Go now to your dwelling
      to enter into the days
      of your life together.

      May God Bless and Keep you and watch over you all the days of your life. May Grandfather Spirit help you to walk the path of rightousness and happiness until you pass to the other side.

      My love to you both….

      Mitakuye Oyasin

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