AnonymousDecember 18, 1996 at 10:43 amPost count: 93172
Dear Claudia:
Your message touched my heart and my prayers are with you and your sister. As those of us who have lost loved ones know, there is nothing more difficult – and this time of the year doesn’t help. I cannot even imagine how heartbreaking it would be to lose a twin sister. My father died at Christmastime five years ago, the following year a close friend died on Christmas Eve. Our thoughts are with you and your struggles.
PattyAnonymousDecember 18, 1996 at 12:16 pmPost count: 93172Hi Claudia,
I tried to e-mail you, but it wouldn’t go through. (Do new people know that you can e-mail to someone by double clicking on their names printed in blue, I think)
Anyway…I just wanted you to know that I broke into tears when I read
your post about your twin. I can not imagine what you are experiencing
right now…a twin bond is so intense and special. Your story really hit
me hard right now because my best friend has ovarian cancer and they have
tried just about every chemo that they have. The only thing that keeps
her going now is an herbal mixture that she calls her “purple drops” and her belief in angels.
I believe she is an angel herself….I love her courage.
Anyway, I was surprised at the intensity of my reaction to your story…I think I have really been denying the possibility
of losing her, which of course is quite real. Thanks for reminding me that every moment is
is precious. So…wrap those slippers with all your love and send them…your love will keep her feet warm…
and much more. It will be a way that you can hold her.
If I can be any support, please e-mail me at LizzieAAA@aol.com.
Take care…I’ll be thinking of you and your sister and sending you my prayers.
AnonymousDecember 18, 1996 at 2:46 pmPost count: 93172Boy, did your message hit home. I’m at my office now and I couldn’t help but cry after I read your message. Memories of last year of me trying to wrap my gifts for my dad because it would be his last xmas because of cancer. He had but weeks left. My mom and dad were married for 55 years and he always told mom “stick with me darling, you’ll be wearing diamonds.” Well, hard as life farming all those years with all 6 of us kids, mom never got her diamonds. Anyway, my dad couldn’t get anything for mom last year so I went out to the jewelry store for my Dad and bought those diamond earrings for her from dad. I wrapped the gift and Fed X’d it to dad with a note. We all knew that mom had always peaked at all her gifts so in the note it said to “place the small box at the foot of your hospital bed and guard it and not let mom open it til xmas. At night he would place it under his pillow. This tickled my dad and gave him many moments of happiness before x-mas. To this day, my mother has never taken them off. Remember all the good times Claudia and spend as much time as you can with your sister. I’ve never told anyone this story, not even my husband. Thanks for listening everyone.
AnonymousDecember 18, 1996 at 6:56 pmPost count: 93172Dear Claudia,
I haven’t been posting lately – most days it’s all I can do to sit
here and read eveyone else’s posts. The fatigue factor, I guess.
But – with tears streaming down my face, my heart goes out to you and
I want to share something the Lord told me years ago.Our 14 year old son went from playing basketball to not being able to
even feed himself within 4 weeks. He has an autoimmune disease that
attacks his myelin sheath – short circuiting the nerve impulses to the
muscles. One time during his plasma pheresis (plasma exchange) treat-
ment he almost died. I was so frightened – so scared he would die.The Lord spoke very quietly to me. I wish I had written it down, but
thought I would never forget. It went something like this. “Why are
you afraid? You know that Matt will die – if not now, then some day.
I have already conquered death. You know how everything will turn
out, so what are you afraid of?”I had such peace after that – and I still do. I stopped being afraid
for him and for myself. I knew the Lord would take better care of Matt
than I ever could, get me through the grief, and that I would see my son
again. He also gave me a vision of him playing basketball in heaven –
something he will never be able to do on earth. My son is in
remission so we rejoice he is still with us, but I don’t count on that.
I just count on happy endings!I hope my story helps in some small way.
May the Lord give you peace and joy.
Donna -
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