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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hi Bruce, I haven’t been able to participate in the support BB for the past week. I have been going to work for shorter hours and bringing computer work home. My eyes get so strained and weepy that I can’t handle it for long. I am just lucky that my Company will allow this. Anyway my husband checks in every so often for me. Tonight when he tried our bookmark (which we have done for months) it said 404 not on server. After much searching we found you. What is happening and will we lose you again? I would like to get on the chat line but I live on the West coast and with the time difference probably can’t make it. I had a CAT scan and last week my Doctors told me it is probably a waiting game until the swelling in my eyes goes down enough to do some operations. While I am waiting I like to be able to use this board. I just home we can find it next time. Thanks. SAS

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