I understand how you feel. Saturday I had a great day, thought for a moment things were almost back to normal. I am taking no meds at this time. Then yesterday ( Easter Sunday) when I opened my eyes I knew it was a bad day. I don’t understand how I can go from so good one day to heart racing and crawling out of my skin the next day. Sluggist, tired so and so on.
Today I went to my endo, and he had my blood work back from a week ago and said I am very hypo. Put me back on the Synthoid , starting tomorrow am. Plus Lexapro and another med for sleep. These are my numbers from my blood work. He said they are very scary.
TSH which is from the Pituitary gland is 96, way too high. He tells me that normal is0.34-5. I do not understand all of the numbers, but he said I have got to get on Synthorid fast…. He put me on 50 at first, then second weeek 75, then 88 beginning in the 3rd week. Please pray for me that this works.
I never dreamed in a million years that I was that hypo. I still have a racing heart, anxiety attacks and all else that goes with it. He is concerned about my heart. He had a Stress test set up with a Cardio on the 28th, but said today that no way could I get on a tread mill and go go go.
I only hope you know that I know how you feel. Please ask me anything and perhaps we can help each other out. Oh, and I put onanother 5lbs.