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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      I tried to email you but it came back – I had muscle spasms when
      I was hyper and hypo but more so when hypo.

      Maybe you need to be checked again – your thyroid hormone levels and
      a fasting metabolic bone study for calcium absorption is what I had
      and it showed I was barely absorbing calcium.

      I am borderline hypoparathyroid and the symptoms you were asking about
      are similar – please check it out.


        Post count: 93172

        Thanks a lot for the answer, but I’m not going hypo. I’m regulary tested since I join a project where my bones are scanned and my urin for 24 hours are tested for whatever and also calsium.
        I mostly suspect that it’s my immunsupressor:Sandimmun Neoral, that gives the troubble, but I dont know whether any of you are treated with immunsuppressors for eye diseace?
        This is very heavy stof only a step from chemotherapy, and usely only
        handed to people who hav had an organtransplanplantation. Made a beard grow out on a 3 year old boy who had a kidneytransplantion.

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