I have Graves Disease and Thyroid Eye Disease and have been on antithyroid medication for 16 months. Last Thursday I forgot my bedtime medications for the first time. Worse still, I discovered that I had forgotten them the night before too.
I thought you’d like to know that my eyes reacted in a very noticeable way. On Friday morning, just two and a half days since the last normal dose, they became puffy, inflamed, watering, with occasional blurring of vision. I immediately started catching up on the overlooked ATDs, over 24 hours.
But by Sunday my eyes were very dry and sensitive to light, and there was audible bubbling when the eyelids were touched, but the swelling was subsiding.
None of these symptoms had been evident on Thursday. Everything else (including other medications) was unchanged. Today (Monday) my eyes are nearly back to normal.
This just goes to show what effect stopping ATDs has after just two and a half days. I caught up the backlog of ATDs over Friday and Saturday, and now, on Sunday, my eyelids are not as swollen, but my eyes are inflamed and now very dry – I am back to using lubricating drops. I have noticed no other hyperthyroid symptoms, other than my eyes.
Sally (click on my alias to see my history)