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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172

      Hello to all! I thought that I would drop a line to see if there is anyone who has has a thyroidectomy? I will be having one as soon as I go euthyroid. The doc is making sure to bring down my levels. I have a great surgeon, and my Endo said that since I still want to have kids, that it would be a good idea that the old goiter comes out. Honestly,I am glad that they are going to take this awful huge thing out. The pressure on my neck is tremendous and I am tired of this thing being in my life. Is there anyone out there who can contribute some information? I sure would appreciate it. These days everyone is opting for the RAI. But for me, it is not an option anymore. All comments are welcome. Your Friend, Melissa

        Post count: 93172

        The reason I went for RAI is because I have had all the children I wanted. I don’t care what anyone says, I wouldn’t feel comfortable using RAI if there was a possiblity I wanted children later. They could be correct about it not effecting your genes, etc., but if they are wrong it could be horrible outcome. That’s just a personal decision of course. I think if I still wanted children I would have opted for the surgery. Good luck. I’m so glad there is more than one avenue to take when treating this disease.

          Post count: 93172

          First may I wish you all the luck in the universe and I hope you have a speedy recovery.
          I sincerely wish I was having my thyroid removed. I am now 3 weeks post RAI and my body is still
          going downhill. My endo told me not to expect any change for at least 3 to 6 months. I hope you feel better
          right after the surgery and get started on synthyroid. I’ll be praying for you.


            Post count: 93172

            Wrong, not EVERYONE is opting for RAI. I am through with children,
            but I am not comfortable with RAI just the same. My thyroidectomy
            is scheduled for tomorrow. Yes, I’m nervous, but I’d be nervous
            with whatever treatment I chose. I have a great surgeon with lots
            of thyroidectomy experience, so I feel comfortable with him. Will
            keep you posted on my outcome. (I was diagnosed with GD in May
            and have been on PTU ever since. Symptoms have eased, but not
            gone.) Good luck to you…wish me the same.

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