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    My endo’s office called today with TSH results from my visit last week. I’d been doing really well for several months, but the last month or so have noticed fatigue, muscle cramps, mental fogginess, and an increase in puffiness and aches and pains, and often a pulse under 60. Sure enough, my TSH rose again, to the higher edge of normal for my lab–and I have a history of hypo symptoms at or slightly above the high edge of normal. When my TSH was 5.5 (0.4-4.0 normal my lab), I was a mess! Luckily my endo acknowledges this as real, and is raising my replacement dose. Of course, after reading the information from the Federal Times report, I wonder if the difference in batch will make more difference than the dose change from 1.0 to 1.12! Given the incredible consequences on quality of life resulting from thyroid imbalance, I’m outraged that the makers of thyroid replacement meds have THREE YEARS to correct the problem! Hopefully there will be incentive for voluntary changes by the drug companies ASAP. With that much money involved, perhaps visibility of this issue will make a serious difference. Maybe if we all squawk to our endos, and they in turn to the drug company representatives, someone will listen! Anyhow, I’m happy to find the way I was feeling was REALLY related to my TSH level. It’s easy to start wondering if I’m just overly concerned and aware of my body’s functioning and perhaps wrongly attributing things to my thyroid level. After having several really good months, perhaps I shouldn’t have questioned myself on that. Glynis, glad to hear your good news, and hopefully we’ll be hearing officially of your remission soon! Dianne N

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