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  • Anonymous
      Post count: 93172


      Hate to be a bearer of bad news but spinach is one veggie that inhibits
      how our thyroid works. This was a particullarly hard shot for me because
      I used to eat more spinach than Popeye. Go to the NGDF home page and see
      which of the bulletins deals with food and Graves. It gives a list of
      food that we should avoid. Also if you like to eat oatmeal in the morning
      wait at least 1 1/2 hours until you take your meds. The oatmeal binds to
      the meds and makes them unreliable.



        Post count: 93172

        This is a new one for me! I hate spinach, but if it actually did my
        eyes some good I’d force feed it to myself:-)

          Post count: 93172

          Thank you all for the encouragement, Bruce, Dawna, Shannon the Aquarian, and Jeanette,
          If you guys have eye problems, eat lots of spinach!, it’s the latest news out of Boston Eye & Ear Clinic.
          If aspirin delved from the willow root, the cure for Thyroid Eye Disease may be in spinach.

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